“Wearing nothing is divine, naked is a state of mind!”
— Lucious Jackson/(Song) Naked Eyes
Nudity is a topic I’ve always wanted to discuss, but like with actually getting nude, there is some hesitation. Do I want to do this or not? All the training from childhood to becoming an adult triggers immediate responses within like “you don’t want the neighbors seeing you like this” or “put a robe on, you’ll scare somebody”. Overcoming this type of thinking is never easy, but challenging it gives us the wind in our sails to disrobe and disarm what my upbringing taught me about being nude (especially in my own home). I think American culture does a poor job at being transparent and real with each other about our bodies. I may be reaching a bit here, but I think how we avoid people seeing us as we are in the flesh stems from doing everything we can to cover up.
I took the time to look up some definitions of naked: One deals with the lack of clothing right down to our genitals. Then there is the feeling of vulnerability and exposure to attack with no protection. The final definition I want to bring up is how one can be “blatant, unvarnished, or just plain real”. As you can see being naked exposes many gamuts of expression that tie together to show and form a sense of exposure from hiding or covering up.
In the Garden of Eden story in the Old Testament, Adam and Eve realized they were naked and felt ashamed so they made fig leaves and covered themselves up. Before they ate the fruit they didn’t have any qualms at all being naked. Sad how millions of churchgoers get taught over and over to live with a shame mindset about their bodies and not strive for a mindset that being naked is not a grievous thing.
My other thought about nudity was the story of Lady Godiva who used her nakedness to bring attention to the oppressive taxes of her people by her husband. Using her nakedness in protest was a way to strip away untruth and injustice and demand change by bringing transparency to the issues at hand. That spirit continues in modern-day protest by women who want the right to bare their breasts in public like men.
In researching for this piece, the idea of nudity in various cultures goes from the restrictive (like the Victorian Era) to cultures untarnished by modern civilization free to do all the things they need to do in their society. One of the most tolerant countries in the world towards nudity is…Germany. This caught my eye because I spent time in the military during the 80s and early 90s in Germany. The article talking about how Germany adopted this mindset can be found in this article Why Germans love Getting Naked. For nearly 100 years, the attitude towards nudism — in and out of the public — is pretty liberating.
The first time I got a taste of it was watching a German commercial on the “ARD” network. During their commercial block, a “Fa” body wash product included a topless woman on the beach. As an American, it took me aback quite a bit. Then came things like the “Page Two” girl in the German newspaper “Bild” who can be seen topless most times. I’d also hear about nude beaches around the country which people can visit during the summertime.
Germans call the movement “Freikorperkultur” or “free-body culture” and it is a movement with deep roots on the East German side (especially during the cold war), but according to the article, the movement wasn’t just about women allowing their tops to come off (like you can in Spain), but to strip down within proper confines (beaches, hiking areas, etc.) to connect with nature in an act that is both resistance and relief. Not every German will strip down naked in the middle of a walk area in their town, but for those who are open for their bodies to be exposed to the natural elements, it is good to know the culture is not averse to pursuing it.
Nudity is Not Always Eroticism
Thinking about how a country like Germany can have such a liberating view regarding nudity I imagine those who enjoy a nude hike or a day at the beach leave nothing to the imagination. People walking by them will not always see world-class abs or supermodel-looking women strolling around the nature path. Most will see some younger, some older, some with stretch marks, some with bulges, and some that might cause others to look at something else. Regardless of the bodies, people who stand out nude make a point they will not be deterred by society to live their truest selves and damn the imperfections.
The biggest statement about being nude is it is not always tied to being sexual. Sure most sexual things lead a person(s) to get to a level of nakedness, but being nude and active in the garden or hiking doesn’t mean an obligatory orgy by any means. Any Nudists will make it clear they do it because it lines with who they are, how they view their body, and how it feels not to be tethered to clothing. Sex is the last thing they are thinking about when in the buff.
‘Nakie is Nakie’
I enjoy being nude around the house (when able) because it is freeing and truthfully there are days I don’t feel like putting on a stitch of clothes so I can read, write, type, and (yes) cook. The only time I have been naked in public is at a sex club where I am with other bodies in a room enjoying sexual pleasures with others. People see my bulges, marks, and the whole enchilada while I see others who may not be a perfect ten, but they are living and enjoying their most erotic selves with others.
To be perfectly honest, I want to go and be naked in a setting that doesn’t demand me to have to be sexual with anyone at all. Sitting with strangers or friends, playing cards, talking, laughing, and enjoying the outdoors seems fun. I think my only apprehension would be bugs and especially any of the flying creatures with stingers. Despite my apprehensions, I’d like to do this before I die to enjoy a naked moment of enjoyment without knowing that I’m a) naked and b)worry about what others outside of our setting will react.
One of the big hangups to allowing our nudity to flourish is how our society sexualizes our genitals and women’s breasts to the point that the only way they are to be seen is sexual and nothing else. For me, I know there are times when those parts are used just for that and that alone. In everyday living, I don’t get turned on every time I see my beloved’s breast exposed while she is doing other things around the house. She walks around near to full naked around me because she’s comfortable with me, she trusts me to be transparent about her body around me, and she’s got shit to do and doesn’t have the time for anything else. That includes cleaning the floor or cooking; if she’s in the mood to do that with no worries I let her do it and go on with my day.
I don’t know if we’ll ever get to a point of keeping nudity for what it is and separating the sexualization side of it as a nation. I hope future generations will keep challenging this notion (especially women) so everyone can enjoy a nude romp around the woods or the house. If nothing else. Being nude is a mindset where you can be untethered by the need of covering up to enjoy a connection with humanity and nature basking in all its beauty. People that can adopt this mindset, appreciating the body beautiful in all ages, sizes, bulges, and bulk — with ourselves and one another — could build body confidence and image in ways that won’t tax the mind or soul.
I think the wise young mind of Tommy Pickles from Nickelodeon’s “Rugrats” said it best when Chuckie tried to persuade him not to get naked. “I don’t care what anybody says, Chuckie! Nakie is good, nakie is free, nakie is… nakie!”